No more cigarrettes!!!!
What is the difference between tortuous and torturous?
Both tortuous and torturous come from a Latin word torquere, which means 'to twist'. Tortuous continues to mean 'full of twists, turns; twisted, winding'. However, torturous is a derivative of torture and means 'involving or causing torture; painful, tormenting'. The best way to remember the difference, then, is the tortur at the beginning of torturous.Both of you tortured me...
A cigarrette...
There are more than 4,000 ingredients in a cigarette other than tobacco. In fact, the same toxins and chemicals found in tobacco products can also be found in the air around toxic waste dumps. Common additives include yeast, wine, caffeine, beeswax and chocolate. While some of these ingredients and chemicals are safe in foods, they were toxic and some formed into carcinogens, a cancer-causing substance, when heated or burned. Here are some other ingredients:
Acetone: – nail polish remover
Ammonia: Household cleaner
Angelica root extract: Known to cause cancer in animals
Arsenic: Used in rat poisons
Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber
Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid
Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas
Cadmium: Used in batteries
Cyanide: Deadly poison
DDT: A banned insecticide
Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals
Formaldehiyde: Used to preserve dead specimens
Hydrazine: – rocket fuel
Hydrogen Cyanide: – rat poison
Lead: Poisonous in high doses
Methoprene: Insecticide
Megastigmatrienone: Chemical naturally found in grapefruit juice
Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics
Methyl isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India in 1984
Napthalene: Ingredient in mothballs
Nicotine: – a poison used to kill cockroaches
Polonium: Cancer-causing radioactive element
Facts About Smoking
Hurting Yourself
Smoking is an addiction. Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, a drug that is addictive and can make it very hard, but not impossible, to quit. (AS IF)
Hurting Others
Smoking harms not just the smoker, but also family members, coworkers and others who breathe the smoker's cigarette smoke, called secondhand smoke.(MY SON; NO WAY)
If both parents smoke, a teenager is more than twice as likely to smoke than a young person whose parents are both non-smokers. In households where only one parent smokes, young people are also more likely to start smoking.
Why Quit?
Quitting smoking makes a difference right away - you can taste and smell food better. Your breath smells better. Your cough goes away. This happens for men and women of all ages, even those who are older. It happens for healthy people as well as those who already have a disease or condition caused by smoking.
Quitting smoking cuts the risk of lung cancer, many other cancers, heart disease, stroke, other lung diseases, and other respiratory illnesses.
Ex-smokers have better health than current smokers. Ex-smokers have fewer days of illness, fewer health complaints, and less bronchitis and pneumonia than current smokers.
Quitting smoking saves money. But i quit because i promised it, and i do have balls...
Mas locos encerrados en este mundo..
Pinceladas del alma
Siguele el hilo..
Quien es elle?
- Elle
- Es una mujer que disfruta la vida al maximo y nunca se arrepiente de nada, vive cada instante a la vez, disfruta de una buena conversacion acompañada de un buen cafe o una buena piña colada, ama el arte no tanto como a su hijo, disfruta de las cosas abstractas, sarcasmo es su segundo nombre aunque problema lo ha peleado..hace las cosas sin pensar en que sucedera luego, no tiene planeada la vida, simplemente vive con el tiempo, es re malhablada, en fin en el camino veran quien es.....
1 comentarios:
ah bueno simon yo la vi fumar.. mentira :S
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